F A C T   F I L E:

“Women and children are not property, but human beings. The international community should declare, loudly and more strongly than ever, that we are all members of the human family. Slavery simply has no place in a world of human rights”.

UN Secretary-General,

Kofi Annan

“It is clear that governments acting individually cannot address the problem adequately”.

Antonio Vitorino, EU

Home Affairs Commissioner.

“The UN’s code of conduct for peacekeepers is not enough.  Awareness training for peacekeepers should be an integral part of their training before being deployed. It is essential that all UN forces are held to the same standards of international human rights law as are nation states - to do otherwise creates a climate of impunity in which offences proliferate”.

Radhika Coomaraswamy, UN Rapporteur on Violence against Women, commenting on the increasing trafficking of women for prostitution in areas where UN peacekeepers are stationed.

Approved by the Order No 64

Of the President of Georgia,

February 25, 2000


(2000-2002 years)




Improvement of studying cases on violence against women, exchanging information on those cases

Account of the cases of violence against women through the whole territory of the State and statistic digestion of the data. Exchange of information on new methods and practices of fighting against violence.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Procuracy of Georgia, The Statistic Department, The Office of Public Defender, NGO's

Coordinated studying of the nature, character and results of violence against women. Analysis of exercising legislation against violence

To bring into compliance legislation against violence with the principles of Beijing Platform. To proclaim violence against women as violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms. To elaborate policy of irreconcilability to any forms of violence against women

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Procuracy of Georgia, The Ministry of Justice, The Parliament of Georgia

Gain information on domestic violence; make it a subject of public discussion. Avoidance of domestic violence and decrease of such kind of cases

Acknowledgement of society that violence against women in families or society is a criminal offence and is punishable by law. Hold public campaigns for informing population that violence is an illegal activity. Dissemination of information on laws, statistics, against domestic violence. Implementation of this legislation. Create such environment in the State, which shall make violence against women shameful and inadmissible.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Ministry of Justice, The Ministry of Education, NGO's, Mass Media

Elaboration of special programmes for potential violators

By the assistance of police officers involved revelation of such kind of families, where violence against women occurs or may happen. Meetings and dialogues with potential violators, special TV programmes on these issues; preventive work with aggressive children by means of social services and psychologists of schools

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Ministry of Education, I Channel of Georgian Television

Development of legislation, execution of laws and court decisions

Elaboration of coincident procedures for various cases of domestic violence and institutions for police staff members for proper behaviour towards victims of violence;

Hold trainings for policemen on management of cases of domestic violence. Employing of women police members to simplify relations with women victims;

Monitoring on execution of court decisions on cases of violence against women

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Ministry of Justice; NGO's


Assistance to victims of violence and their protection

Legal, practical, psychological and medical support to victims of violence;

Provision of safety conditions for victims by separating them from violators of by finding a safe place for location. Creation of crisis centres for victims of violence;

Legal and psychological support for victims of violence during court trials

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Ministry of Health and Social Protection, NGO's


Obtain information on professional violence (violence at working place) and make it a subject of public discussion. Study causes and results, their avoidance and decrease

Acknowledgement of society in current understanding of professional violence (including violence at working place). Work out laws on this form of violence envisaging Resolutions of UN main documents on human rights and legislation of leading countries

The Ministry of Justice, The Ministry of Health and Social Protection, The Office of Public Defender, Trade Unions, NGO's, Mass Media

Combat ethnic violence, support of victims of ethnic conflicts, deportation, internally migration or exile

Training for representatives of government structures;

Composition of programmes of rehabilitation and reintegration; Publication of materials;

Promotion of arrangement of problems of families divorced by conflicts   

The Ministry of Refugees and Displacement, The Ministry of Justice, Council of Ministers of Abkhazia, The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Office of Public Defender, NGO's, Mass Media

Collect information on ecologic violence and make it a subject of public discussion (the change of genofund by destruction of living environment and ecologic changes, violation of rights to live in harmless environment)

Acknowledgement of society that ecologic violence is a criminal offence;

Bring into compliance legislation on ecologic violence with international norms and make it stricter;

Preparation ecologic educational programmes

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection, The Ministry of Health and Social Protection, The Parliament of Georgia, Ecologic Police Department, NGO's. Mass Media

Collect information on cases of violence against underage girls, coordinative study of their causes and results, make them a subject of public discussion, analysis of exercising legislation on violence against underage girls

Account of all cases oh each form of violence against girls through the whole State (beating, rape, sexual exploitation, beggary, lack of health care, illiteracy);

Work out statistic data. Elaboration of special laws and programmes:

1. on avoidance of violence against girls,

2. on promotion of acknowledgement of girls in social economic political life' and support to they participation in it.

3. on protection of girls' health and their education on gender issues

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Procuracy of Georgia, The Ministry of Justice, The Ministry of education, The Ministry of Health and Social Protection, The Office of Public Defender, The Department on Youth Issues, NGO's, Mass Media

Measures on avoidance and elimination of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation

Declaration of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation as a violation of fundamental rights; Definition of trafficking as a criminal offence in legislation, envisaging punishable measures on it;

Account of cases of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation; Work out programmes for protection of its victims;

Collaboration of law enforcement, immigration, social, legal and administrative bodies for elimination of trafficking

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Procuracy of Georgia, The Ministry of Refugees and Displacement, The Parliament of Georgia, NGO's


Systematic monitoring on work fulfilled


Gather information on work fulfilled and its annual analysis (executors of the plan from executive structures represent annual information on work fulfilled to the Commission)

The State Commission on Elaboration State Policy of the Development of Women

Caucasus 16 Days ~ WomenAid Anti-Trafficking Campaign

© Copyright WomenAid International 2001

