mission and Statement of principles


WomenAid International, a voluntary humanitarian aid and development agency, was established in 1987 by Pida Ripley as the first agency in the UK to focus on empowering women worldwide so they can achieve their full potential. Women and children are the most vulnerable and poorest groups in many parts of the world often subject to abuse and discrimination throughout their lives.

WomenAid's mission is to

  • provide support to women in crisis caused by war, poverty, repression and abuse;
  • raise awareness of issues adversely affecting women and children
  • act as a catalyst for international and national legislative and public policy change.
  • Support the development of civil society by addressing the social, political, economic and health needs of women, their families and communities.

Its guiding principles are

Peace, Development & Equality.

WomenAid International advocates for human rights awareness and gender equity, and works nationally and internationally in partnership with all members of society to realise these goals.

WomenAid International supplies relief assistance in conflict and disaster areas and develops projects and missions which provide resources and training which lessen the burden of illiteracy, poverty, unemployment and ill-health. Proactive partnership is a key approach as is organisational capacity building and the facilitation of networking opportunities.

WomenAid International supports and promotes the United Nations and its specialised agencies. The organisation does not discriminate on grounds of race, nationality, religion, class or political ideology and therefore considers itself to be neutral and impartial in its beliefs and actions.

WomenAid International is guided by the spirit of the Geneva Conventions. The Conventions, initiated in 1864, reaffirm the respect due to the human being in times of armed conflict. They provide that persons who take no part in hostilities and those placed 'hors de combat' by wounds, detention or sickness or any other cause shall be protected and that those who suffer shall be cared for without any distinction.

WomenAid International has six key thematics

Humanitarian Aid | Development Assistance | Environmental Protection

Human Rights | Gender Equality | Health Promotion & Disease Prevention

The majority of the global community is facing a daily struggle for survival - WomenAid International is helping to meet the need.





Address: Kemp House, 152-160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX

© Copyright WomenAid International 2000